Saturday, January 8, 2011

A fresh start

Ok, hi kids (or whoever is reading this)... I have lapsed in my journaling as you kids have been growing up.  I was oh so faithful writing every little thing in Bryce's babybook, writing here and there in Katie's, haphazardly in Jack's, and a pathetic paltry amount in Ryan's.  I'll say sorry now (you can talk about it later with your therapists).  Here's my attempt to capture some of the many great memories we've made together... my friends tell me that our stories are wacky and legendary...if I could just remember them!  I'm going to ask a few special friends to help me remember so we have proof of all the things we've done and survived.  Let me start by saying I could have never imagined my life with four kids ... I started out as a defiant, independent girl looking for excitement in life.  I had no idea I would find that excitement with my kids and their adventures.  As all parents will say, you have changed my life so profoundly, so completely, and I have learned how to be a better person because of you.  Just by being the little darlings you are : ), you've taught me things I wouldn't have learned otherwise.  Oh you know, all those pesky things like patience, mercy, self-sacrifice, responsibility and overwhelming, beautiful love.  I thank God for bringing you into my life; He gives us the best gifts in the form of people to love and who love us back.

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